About our Group
About Our Partnership
The Humber Health Partnership is one of the largest acute and community Partnership arrangements in the NHS, seeing well over one million patients every year and managing a budget of over £1.4 billion.
Born from two Trusts – Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) our Partnership has significant ambitions and is committed to delivering world-class hospital and community services for the 1.65 million people we serve.
We employ nearly 20,000 staff. Our five main hospital sites are Hull Royal Infirmary, Castle Hill Hospital, Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole and District Hospital. We deliver community services to North Lincolnshire.
As Teaching Hospitals working with the Hull York Medical School, we both lead and contribute to research in many areas – biomedical research, primary care, palliative medicine, cardiovascular and respiratory medicine, vascular surgery, cancer surgery and oncology.
Our services provide secondary and tertiary care to an extended population.
We have a Major Trauma Centre and Unit; regional neurosurgery services; regional hyper-acute stroke including mechanical thrombectomy; regional vascular surgical services including wound care services and research; a regional cardiac unit including cardiac and thoracic surgery as well as cardiology services at secondary and tertiary service level; regional oncology diagnosis and treatment in a specialist cancer centre. We have had capital investment of over £70m to our urgent and emergency care services in the last 8 years across the Group and have some of the best emergency and acute assessment patient accommodation in the country. We will be responsible for four Community Diagnostic Centres, due to open in 2024-25.

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG)
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Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH)
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Hull York Medical School Partnership
Hull York Medical School is a partnership between the Universities of Hull and York and the NHS in North and East Yorkshire, and Northern Lincolnshire. The school performs well in league tables in recognition of its excellent undergraduate medical curriculum and research, judged to be of high international quality. With a distinctive and innovate approach to training doctors for the health services of the 21st century, HYMS aims to influence positively the recruitment and retention of doctors in the region and the quality of local health services.
HYMS offers a five year programme using contemporary learning and assessment methods in an integrated structure to some 140 students each year. The programme features a modern learning environment and high quality clinical attachment opportunities. There is a strong focus on learning in community settings, including primary care, and on working collaboratively with other health professionals.
Educational Facilities
Medical Education at The Humber Health Partnership is accessible to all health care professionals and offers a broad range of training and support. The Medical Education Centre provides a modern, flexible arena in which professionals can train in a supportive environment. The Centre contains a 190 seat auditorium and three large seminar rooms. The Lecture Theatre at Castle Hill Hospital comprises of a 70 seat lecture theatre with modern audio-visual equipment.
We are currently developing a new Education and Training Facility at Castle Hill Hospital, which will provide state-of-the art facilities across our Group and to other NHS and care organisations. This will include a lecture space and several multi-function training rooms including mocked up clinical spaces. The Education and Training facility will include a surgical skills and suture centre, which has HTA accreditation to use live tissue. This new Education and Training Facility is due to open by Autumn 2024. We also have lecture theatres and multi-disciplinary training rooms at our Scunthorpe and Grimsby Hospital sites.
The Hull Institute of Learning and Simulation (HILS) is able to offer practical skills rooms including ward areas, operating theatre and simulation suites. Each room has been built with a high level of flexibility and all can be customised to the user’s needs.
Library and Knowledge Services provide a highly rated service, with access to over 10,000 texts both online and physically. The libraries are accessible 24/7 and PCs are available to access online resources.