Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH)
We are situated in the geographical area of Kingston upon Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. We employ 9,600 staff, have an annual turnover of £726 million (2020/21) and operate from two main sites – Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital – whilst delivering a number of outpatient services from locations across the local health economy area.
Our secondary care service portfolio is comprehensive, covering the major medical and surgical specialties, routine and specialist diagnostic services and other clinical support services. These services are provided primarily to a catchment population of approximately 600,000 in the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area.
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We provide specialist and tertiary services to a catchment population of between 1.05 million and 1.25 million extending from Scarborough in North Yorkshire to Grimsby and Scunthorpe in North East and North Lincolnshire respectively. The only major services not provided locally are transplant surgery, major burns and some specialist paediatric services.
We are designated as a Cancer Centre, Cardiac Centre, Vascular Centre and a Major Trauma Centre. We are a university teaching hospital and a partner in the Hull York Medical School. In 2020/21 we provided the following services:
- We assessed over 165,000 people who attended our Emergency Department at Hull Royal Infirmary
- We had over 700,000 attendances at our outpatient clinics
- We admitted over 109,000 patients to our wards and over 11,000 patients attended our wards for a planned review following treatment.
The Trust is structured in six Health Groups (Medicine, Surgery, Cancer and Clinical Support, Family and Women’s Health, Cardiology and Emergency Care) through which our clinical services are delivered. The Health Groups are supported by Corporate Services (Estates, Facilities and Development, Strategy and Planning, Finance, Human Resources including Education and Development, Quality Governance, Corporate Governance, Information Management and Technology).
We were formed in October 1999 through the merger of the former Royal Hull Hospitals and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trusts and became the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust.
On 1 March 2019 the Trust formally changed its name to Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in order to strengthen links with Hull University, particularly in respect of teaching and academic opportunities, and to bring about positive benefits in respect of recruitment, especially in relation to clinical posts across medical, nursing and professions allied to health. Research and innovation features as one of our seven organisational goals as it reflects the Trust’s aspiration to be a research centre of excellence, engendering an innovation culture.
Our Mission, Vision and Values at HUTH
Our Mission is to lead the provision of outstanding care and contribute to improved population health, by being a great employer and partner, living our values and spending money wisely.
Our vision is ‘Great Staff, Great Care, Great Future’, as we believe that by developing an innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver great care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Trust and our community.
We have developed a set of organisational values – ‘Care, Honesty, Accountability’ – in conjunction with our staff and these form the basis of a Staff Charter which sets out the behaviours which staff expect from each other and what staff can expect from the Trust in return. The values are reflected in our organisational goals for 2019-2024.

Supporting our over-arching Trust Strategy, are some specific strategies, which will help us develop and deliver our aims:
- People Strategy 2019-2024
- Estate Strategy 2017-2022
- Digital Strategy 2018-2023
- Research and Innovation Strategy 2018-2023.
Details of these strategies can be found here
Over the coming months we will be refreshing our Trust Strategy and its accompanying enabling strategies to reflect current and future external and internal influences on our organisation and ensure harmonisation with those of NLAG, the Humber Acute Services Programme, and the Humber Coast and Vale Integrated Care System.